Picric Acid Leads to Evacuation at School

By: Hilary Lane WKTV

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WATERVILLE, N.Y. (WKTV) - Students and staff members at Waterville Junior and Senior High School were evacuated a little after Noon on Thursday the New York State Police Bomb Disposal Unit out of Albany was called in to assess and dispose of some potentially hazardous chemicals.

"We are concerned about one of the chemicals that is possibly dangerous and could call an explosion," says Gary Lonczak, superintendent of schools. The main issue is a bottle of picric acid which is over 25 years old.

Teen Hospitalized from Science Explosion

By: Meg Alexander KFOR-TV

DEL CITY, Okla. -- An eighth grader has burns on her face, neck and hands after a school scientific demonstration went wrong at Kerr Middle School. "We were watching and she put the chemicals in and it exploded and hit me. I remember seeing the fire and I went on the ground and my friends were putting me out."

She's worried about long-term scarring and discoloration. The pain, especially at night, is hard to withstand. Her parents say they don't understand how this happened. Ashley told them they weren't wearing goggles.