Welcome to the Food Safety section. This section contains useful links to resources that should be of value to food safety professionals.
Sanitary conditions are vital to prevent illness in the school cafeteria and food service facilities. Regulations were enacted to ensure minimal of risk for students for schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). These include adherence to a Hazard Analysis and Critical Contol Points (HACCP) based safety program.
For more information on services please visit the following webpage:
Links and Resources
American Diabetes Association
American Dietetic Association
American Heart Association
American School Food Service Association - The School Nutrition Association
Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition - General Mills
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition: FDA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC
Children’s Health Project Network
Eat Smart - Washington State Dairy Council
Federal Food Safety Information Site - FoodSafety.gov
FDA Kids - Food and Drug Administration
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network
Food Labeling and Nutrition - Food and Drug Administration
Food and Nutrition Information Center -USDA/FNS National Agricultural Library
Foodborne illness education information center - USDA/FDA
Harvard School of Public Health
Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) USFDA
Institute of Food Technologists: IFT
International HACCP Alliance
Iowa State Food Safety Website
Massachusetts Dietetic Association
MyPyramid - USDA
National Center for Home Food Preservation
National Foodsafety Database
National Institutes of Health
New England Dairy Council
New England Extension Food Safety Consortium
Nutrition Information -National Agriculutural Library, USDA
Nutrition For Kids
Nutrition Jobs
Office of Dietary Supplements - National Institute for Health
Portion Distortion Quiz - National Institute for Health
Powerful Bones, Powerful Girls - Center for Disease Control
Produce For Better Health Foundation - 5-A-Day
Safe Food in Connecticut - University of Connecticut
Seafood Network Information Center (SeafoodNIC)
UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program - Food Safety
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service
USDA for Kids - United States Department of Agriculture
WIC topics A-Z (sponsored by United States Department of Agriculture)